In 2002, after a devastating fire to our original facility, Southern Animal Foundation received a generous grant from the Frances McDonough Memorial Foundation. The grant helped us realize one of our greatest goals. Within a year after the Magazine Street fire that destroyed our shelter, we were able to open one of New Orlean’s only low-cost, non-profit veterinary clinics. With three veterinarians, and a staff of twelve animal lovers, we’ve grown into a full service hospital.
After Hurricane Katrina, the McDonough Foundation gave us the opportunity to open a second building, right next door to our main clinic. The Frances McDonough Memorial Animal Clinic Annex building houses our extra surgery suites. In the annex, we have been able to spay and neuter over 10,000 cats and dogs since Hurricane Katrina. The building allows for space to do high volume spay and neuter, without affecting the daily operations of our main clinic facility.
Without the very generous contributions from the Frances McDonough Foundation, none of this would have been possible.
Southern Animal Foundation is a full service veterinary clinic, 501(c)(3) non profit, and adoption/rescue agency established in 1995 and located in New Orleans, LA.